

I’m a Lead Product Designer with 8+ years of experience in service design. I like facing new challenges on a regular basis and working out innovative solutions.

Design for change.

I love designing meaningful experiences that can influence positive change in people’s lives with careful consideration for user feedback, usability findings, and business requirements. I’m passionate about emerging technologies, design systems, advocating UX design across all fields of work, and bridging Developers, Product Managers, and Designers in my diverse projects. I’m interested in international projects applying Human-centered design with passionate people.

[thb_image animation="animation fade-in" image="5676586"][/thb_image]

I strongly believe that when we create things with passion, magic happens. Here are some of my core competencies:


Workshop hosting


Data analysis
Usability testing
A/B Testing


Design audit
User flows
Wireframing & mockups
French UX writing


Design Systems
Motion Graphics

[thb_image full_width="true" animation="animation fade-in" image="5673387"][/thb_image]
[thb_progressbar title="Collaboration" progress="87" thb_bar_color="#2e4ffb"][thb_progressbar title="Research" progress="65" thb_bar_color="#2e4ffb"][thb_progressbar title="UX Design" progress="85" thb_bar_color="#2e4ffb"][thb_progressbar title="Visual Design" progress="95" thb_bar_color="#2e4ffb"]

As a way to rapidly prototype ideas, sketching out initial thoughts is a quick and efficient process. It allows me to outline any problems that require addressing and begin to narrow down a diverse number of ideas.

[thb_iconbox type="top type2" icon="software_layers2.svg" heading="Discover" description="The main goal of this phase is to understand what the actual problem you need to solve is – and that you’re solving it for the right users, customers, or employees."]
[thb_iconbox type="top type2" icon="basic_lightbulb.svg" heading="Define" description="Once you’ve pinpointed an opportunity you want to explore further, it’s time to start the brainstorming and idea generation process that will shape your solution."]
[thb_iconbox type="top type2" icon="basic_laptop.svg" heading="Develop" description="The end result of this phase is a validated concept with brand/visual design vision, content strategy, interaction design guidelines and a proven technical solution."]
[thb_iconbox type="top type2" icon="basic_elaboration_document_graph.svg" heading="Deliver" description="You'll start designing the MVP or a POC. Once your service is live, involve the customers, show they are important to you and get feedback."]

I invent or reinvent the services themselves, and I design how they interact with users and with your ecosystem. Get in touch with me to see how I create emotional design services.

[thb_clients_parent thb_columns="small-6 large-3"][thb_clients image="5674110" link="|||"][thb_clients image="5674111" link="|||"][thb_clients image="5674112" link="|||"][thb_clients image="5674113" link="|||"][thb_clients image="5674124" link="|||"][thb_clients image="5674115" link="|||"][thb_clients image="5674116" link="|||"][thb_clients image="5674125" link="|||"][thb_clients image="5674118" link="|||"][thb_clients image="5674127" link="|||"][thb_clients image="5674121" link="|||"][thb_clients image="5674128" link="|||"][/thb_clients_parent]
[thb_testimonial_parent][thb_testimonial quote="“Design thinking is more than a set of tools. It’s a mindset. A cultural shift.”" author_name="Risto Lähdesmäki"][thb_testimonial quote="“Everyone is a designer. Everyone is creative. Design thinking is about unlocking those abilities and giving them structure.”" author_name="Luis Munguia"][thb_testimonial quote="“It’s constant change. It’s about reframing and reimagining. If there was ever a culture for innovation, it's design.”" author_name="Chi Ryan"][/thb_testimonial_parent]